Blue Throated Macaws


The Blue-throated Macaw is a critically endangered parrot species found only in the seasonally flooded savannahs in northern Bolivia. In fact, scientists were unable to find this species anywhere in the wild in the late 1980s. Upon closer investigation a small population was rediscovered in 1992 and currently there are only a couple of hundred individuals reported to exist in the wild. Threats such as trapping for the pet trade (although now illegal), deforestation, extreme weather patterns, botfly infestations and nest predation has the Blue-throated Macaws fighting the race against extinction.
To date, the conservation efforts for Blue-throated Macaw has focused on fieldwork to better understand the species’ ecology and to develop a long-term plan to help them make a comeback. However, it is believed that, without increasing the wild numbers with birds bred under human care, the population may not increase to the levels needed to sustain the species in the wild.

Blue Throated Macaw
Blue-throated Macaw at African Lion Safari


In 2014, African Lion Safari became a conservation partner with World Parrot Trust in efforts to save this iconic species. Staff are developing methods to breed Blue-throated Macaw in our care, with the goal of re-introducing the young into their natural habitat. While still in the early stages, African Lion Safari has made advances in transport and health screening methods, created a protocol to adjust birds to new environments, and setting up breeding pairs.

Our Future Goals

We will continue our efforts in developing egg incubation protocols, and contribute to the genetic research that will be used to guide management and help ensure the future of Blue-throated Macaw.


Blue Throated Macaw Chicks

In 2018, African Lion Safari was pleased to announce the hatching of two critically endangered Blue-throated Macaw chicks on June 24th and 26th

2 Blue Throated Macaw

In 2019, a pair of Blue-throated Macaw chicks were hatched in the month of May.

Blue Throated Macaw Chicks

In 2020, African Lion Safari hatched a total of three Blue-throated Macaw chicks! One of them in early June and two more in the middle of August.

Blue and Gold Macaws

By the end of 2021, African Lion Safari welcomed another three Blue-throated Macaw chicks. To date, there have been 10 chicks hatched from six different nests over a span of 4 years. This is a significant achievement towards furthering our conservation efforts for this species in need.

Blue-throated Macaws at CLB’s Silvestre Wildlife Custody Center “Paraba Barba Azul” in Bolivia

On September 27th, 2023, African Lion Safari successfully delivered eight critically endangered Blue-throated Macaws to their home range in northern Bolivia! The eight macaws were delivered to CLB’s Silvestre Wildlife Custody Center “Paraba Barba Azul” and will remain under observation as they await the development of the Species Management Plan that will chart their species’ path back to recovery in the wild. The program will help determine where they and their offspring will be able to assist in restoring the species in Bolivia.