Peregrine Falcon
The Peregrine falcon is a bird of prey known for its incredible speed and hunting skills. It holds the title of the fastest animal on Earth, capable of diving at speeds over 390 km/ hr to catch prey mid-air. With its sharp talons and keen eyesight, the peregrine hunts other birds in flight, often targeting pigeons and waterfowl. Once endangered due to pesticides, its population has recovered significantly through conservation efforts, and it now thrives in a wide range of habitats, from coastal cliffs to urban skyscrapers.

All about the Peregrine Falcon
33 to 58 cm
About 1.6 kg
Primarily other birds, such as pigeons, ducks, and shorebirds, though they may also prey on small mammals in some cases.
Incubation Period
29 to 32 days
Life Span
12 to 20 years
Pesticide poisoning (specifically DDT), habitat destruction, and hunting